Intelligent Roadway Information System


A comm link communicates with remote controllers using one of several protocols, each of which supports specific device types. Some also support multi-drop addressing, with more than one controller per comm link.

Device Control

Protocol Beacon Camera DMS Detection Gates GPS Weather
Axis PTZ ✔️
Banner DXM ✔️
Canoga ✔️
CBW ✔️
Central Park ✔️
Cohu PTZ ✔️
DLI DIN Relay ✔️
DR-500 ✔️
Gate NDORv5 ✔️
HySecurity STC ✔️
Infinova PTZ ✔️
Manchester PTZ ✔️
MnDOT 170 ✔️ ✔️
Natch ✔️ ✔️
NDOT Beacon ✔️
NTCIP ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
OSi ORG-815 ✔️
Pelco D PTZ ✔️
RedLion GPS ✔️
RTMS G4 ✔️
SierraGX ✔️
SmartSensor ✔️
Vicon PTZ ✔️


The ADEC TDC protocol can collect vehicle detection data, logging event data for every vehicle. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 255. One detector can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.

Axis PTZ

The axisptz protocol can be used for PTZ control of Axis cameras. The default scheme is http. Multi-drop is not supported. One camera can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The canoga protocol can collect vehicle detection data, with vehicle logging instead of binned data. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 0 - 15 (backplane) or 128 - 255 (EEPROM). Up to 4 detectors can be associated with each controller, using IO pins 1 - 4.


This Common Alerting Protocol CAP is used for polling the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System IPAWS. [Alerts] can be used to automatically post weather and other messages to Dynamic Message Signs. This requires an HTTPS URI provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and a controller set to ACTIVE condition.


This Common Alerting Protocol CAP is used for polling the National Weather Service weather feed. [Alerts] can be used to automatically post weather messages to Dynamic Message Signs. This requires a controller set to ACTIVE condition.


The cbw protocol can be used for beacons, using a Control-By-Web controller. The default scheme is http. Multi-drop is not supported. Depending on the model, up to 16 beacons can be associated with each controller.

The IO Pins are outputs for controlling relays.

Model Number IO Pins
X-WR-1R12 1
X-301 1 - 2
X-401 1 - 2
X-310 1 - 4
X-410 1 - 4
X-WR-10R12 1 - 10
X-332 1 - 16

Central Park

The Drivewyze Central Park system can detect vehicle presence for parking area monitoring. The default scheme is https. Multi-drop is not supported. Up to 64 detectors can be associated with each controller, using IO pins 1 - 64. The comm link URI must be the "Data per stall" endpoint (ending in /integration/spot).


The clearguide protocol can be used for to connect with a ClearGuide external system feed.


The cohu protocol can be used for PTZ control of Cohu cameras. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 223. One camera can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The dinrelay protocol can be used for changeable LCS or beacons, using a DLI Din-Relay. The default scheme is http. Multi-drop is not supported. Up to 8 indications can be associated with each controller, using IO pins 1 - 8.


DMS-XML is a protocol for legacy DMS control systems. The default scheme is tcp, with multi-drop (0-65535).


The Houston Radar DR-500 doppler radar can be used to collect speed data only. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. Only one detector can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The Banner Engineering DXM magnetometer can detect vehicle presence for parking area monitoring. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. Up to 76 detectors can be associated with each controller, using IO pins 11 - 86.


The e6 protocol can be used for collecting data from Transcore tag readers. The default scheme is udp. Multi-drop is not supported. One tag reader can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The G4 protocol can collect vehicle detection data, including vehicle counts, occupancy, speed and vehicle classification. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 0 - 65535. Up to 12 detectors can be associated with each controller, using IO pins 1 - 12.


The incfeed protocol can be used to interface IRIS with an external system that generates incidents. Periodically, IRIS will poll the URI (using http) for incidents.

Incident Feed Format

The external system should respond with an ASCII text file, with one line per active incident.

Each line should contain 7 fields, separated by comma characters , and terminated with a single newline character \n (ASCII 0x0A). The fields are:

  1. incident ID
  3. incident detail: may be blank, or one of the incident detail names
  4. latitude
  5. longitude
  6. camera ID: may be blank, or the ID of a camera to view the incident
  7. direction: NB, SB, EB or WB

Latitude and longitude define coördinates using the WGS 84 datum.


The infinova protocol can be used for PTZ control of Infinova cameras. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 254. One camera can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The manchester protocol can be used for PTZ control of some older cameras. The default scheme is udp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 1024. One camera can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


170 style controllers running the MnDOT 170 firmware can support several types of devices:

Device Type # IO Pins
vehicle detection 24 39 - 62
ramp meters 2 2 - 3
changeable LCS 3 19 - 36
beacons 1 2
alarms 10 70 - 79

There are two versions of the protocol supported:

Version Default Scheme Multi-Drop
4 tcp 1 - 15
5 tcp 1 - 31


The monstream protocol can be used for switching of monstream video monitors. The default scheme is udp. Multi-drop is not supported. Up to 16 video monitors can be associated with each controller, using IO pins 1 - 16.


The msgfeed protocol can be used to interface with an external system that generates DMS messages. Periodically, IRIS will poll the URI (using http) for DMS messages.

The external system should respond with an ASCII text file, with one line per message to be deployed. Each line contains 3 fields: dms, message and expire, separated by tab characters \t (ASCII 0x09), and terminated with a single newline character \n (ASCII 0x0A).

V66E37\tSNOW PLOW[nl]AHEAD[nl]USE CAUTION\t2022-10-02 11:37:00-05:00

dms: Name of the sign to deploy, which must have the hashtag referenced by a device action. Additionally, that action must be associated with the current phase of an active action plan. The message pattern of the device action must be a feed action tag. For example, if the msgfeed Comm Link name is XYZ, then the pattern must be [feedXYZ].

multi: Message to deploy, using the MULTI markup language. Each line of the message must exist in the pattern's library. This check allows only "administrator-approved" messages, but it can be disabled by changing the msg_feed_verify system attribute to false. WARNING: only disable this check if the message feed host is fully trusted, and there is no possibility of man-in-the-middle attacks.

expire: Date/time when the message will expire, using RFC 3339 full-date / full-time separated by a space. The message will not be displayed after this time. Leave expire blank to cancel a previous message.


Advanced Traffic Controllers (ATC) using the Natch protocol can support several types of devices:


National Transportation Communications for Intelligent transportation system Protocol is supported for several different device types:

There are three supported variants:

Variant Default Scheme Multi-Drop
NTCIP A udp No
NTCIP B tcp 1 - 8191
NTCIP C tcp No


The org815 protocol can be used to collect weather sensor data from an Org-815 precipitation sensor. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. One device can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.

Pelco D

The pelcod protocol can be used for PTZ control of Pelco cameras. The default scheme is udp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 254. One camera can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.

Pelco P

The pelcop protocol can be used for camera keyboard control from Pelco keyboards. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. No devices need to be associated with the keyboard controller.


The redlion protocol can be used for GPS data from RedLion modems. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. One GPS modem can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The sierragx protocol can be used for GPS data from SierraGX modems. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. One GPS modem can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


There are three SmartSensor protocols for collecting vehicle detection data from Wavetronix sensors. The 105 and 125 HD protocols collect binned vehicle counts, occupancy, speed and vehicle classification. The 125 vlog protocol logs event data for every vehicle. The default scheme is tcp.

Protocol Multi-Drop # IO Pins
SmartSensor 105 1 - 9999 8 1 - 8
SmartSensor 125 HD 1 - 65534 8 1 - 8
SmartSensor 125 vlog 1 - 65534 8 1 - 8


The stc protocol can be used for gate arm control for Smart Touch gate arms. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 99. One gate arm can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.


The streambed protocol is for flow stream configuration with a streambed server. The default scheme is tcp. Multi-drop is not supported. Up to 150 flow streams can be associated with each controller, using IO pins.


The vicon protocol can be used for PTZ control of Vicon cameras. The default scheme is udp. Multi-drop is supported with drops 1 - 254. One camera can be associated with each controller, using IO pin 1.