Intelligent Roadway Information System



Install Fedora onto the development system. Some additional development packages must be installed.

dnf install java-devel-openjdk ant-junit git rpm-build gcc cargo

In a suitable development directory, clone the iris git repository.

git clone

Copy from etc/ to lib/. Edit lib/ file as necessary for your organization.

Create the key for signing jar packages. This is required for Java Web Start, which is used by the IRIS client. The key should go into your default keystore (~/.keystore).

keytool -genkeypair -alias signing-key

Put the following lines into your ~/ file.


Now, the IRIS rpm file can be built with ant rpm. (The current directory should be the root of the iris repository.

If there are no errors, the new rpm file should be in the build/rpm/RPMS/noarch/ directory.


See etc/eclipse-development.cfg for instructions to run IRIS within the Eclipse IDE.


Bug reports and feature requests are welcome and encouraged! Please create an issue and discuss before making a pull request. All patches must be licensed under the GPL.

Future Plans

Work is underway on a web-based user interface. The java based interface will be fully supported until all features are implemented in the new UI.

Coding Style

The IRIS coding style is focused on readability. This is the most important factor for software maintenance, and also helps new developers who are unfamiliar with the codebase.

It is recommended that each method fit in one page of text (30 lines by 80 columns). It is much easier to spot and correct bugs in shorter methods. Whenever possible, longer methods should be decomposed to abide by this recommendation. This allows a developer to quickly read and understand the logic.

With methods longer than one page, it can be beneficial to have a single exit point (return). But for shorter methods (always the goal), this is not so important, and can reduce readability. It doesn't make sense to add a local "ret" variable with a single return statement at the end when the whole method can be read at a glance.

Each block indent should be 8 columns (using tabs instead of spaces). This makes the blocks more obvious. Always use an indented block with if, for, while, etc. statements. This makes it much easier to follow the control flow than when it is combined onto the same line as the statement. Don't put an opening curly brace on a line by itself unless the method declaration or loop statement spans multiple lines.

Each method should have a javadoc comment describing its purpose. All parameters and return values should be documented as well. Comments within a method should be used sparingly — never describe what the code is doing, but instead why it was written in a certain way. Code which is "commented out" should never be committed to a repository.

Unary operators, such as ++ -- ! ~ should be adjacent to their operand with no space. Binary operators, such as + - / * % & | && || > = < >> == != << >>> >= <= ^ should be separated from their operands by a space.


March 1999 — Started work on NTCIP DMS control

May 2007 — First GPL open source release

May 2008 — IRIS live in Caltrans D10

April 2011 — Officially adopted by Caltrans

November 2014 — Adopted by Wyoming Department of Transportation

September 2020 — Work begins on Web-based UI