Intelligent Roadway Information System

Parking Areas

The number of available spaces in a parking area can be published on the web, or displayed on a DMS. A parking area could be a rest area or a parking garage. The honeybee server can publish parking area information compatible with the MAASTO truck parking information management system (TPIMS).

A special corridor must be associated with the parking area in order to allow counting available spaces. Within that corridor, detectors with the parking lane type will be used.

Lane Number Parking Space
1 Head (front)
2 Head (rear)
3 Tail (front)
4 Tail (rear)

Parking Area Action Tag

The number of available parking spaces can be displayed in DMS messages using DMS actions. A [pa ] action tag in the message pattern will be replaced with the appropriate value. It has the following format:

[pa id,low,closed ]


  1. id: Parking area ID
  2. low: Text to display if available spaces is below the low threshold
  3. closed: Text to display if parking area is closed
