Intelligent Roadway Information System

Message Patterns

Select View ➔ Message Signs ➔ Message Patterns or View ➔ Message Signs ➔ Message Editor (WYSIWYG) menu items

A message pattern is a partially or fully composed MULTI message associated with a sign config. They can be:

If flash beacon is selected, the sign's internal beacon will also be activated.

Pixel service indicates that the sign should perform scheduled pixel service while the message is active. This is useful for messages that are active for long periods of time.

API Resources 🕵️
  • iris/api/msg_pattern (primary)
  • iris/api/msg_pattern/{name}
Access Primary Secondary
👁️ View name
👉 Operate
💡 Manage compose_hashtag, multi flash_beacon, pixel_service
🔧 Configure

Fillable Text Rectangles

Text rectangles within a pattern can be fillable to allow operators to fill in those areas with message lines. A fillable text rectangle can either be defined by a [tr…] tag, or be a full page ([np] tag or beginning of message).

A rectangle is only fillable if it contains no text or [nl…] tags. Additionally, a full page can only be fillable if it contains no [tr…] tags.

The text composed by operators will be inserted directly after a fillable text rectangle. For example, if the pattern is: [tr1,1,100,16][g5], and the operator selected the message CRASH[nl]AHEAD, the composed message would be [tr1,1,100,16]CRASH[nl]AHEAD[g5].

Message Lines

A pattern with fillable text rectangles can have lines of text associated with it. Each line is used in a specific fillable rectangle of the pattern. Lines can be ordered in the message composer by rank, 1-99. Lines can also be restricted to specific signs by adding a restrict hashtag.

If a pattern has fillable text rectangles but no lines, a substitute pattern will be chosen to provide them instead. Both patterns must have the same number of lines in their text rectangles.

API Resources 🕵️
  • iris/api/msg_line (primary)
  • iris/api/msg_line/{name}
Access Primary Secondary
👁️ View name, msg_pattern
👉 Operate
💡 Manage line, multi, restrict_hashtag rank
🔧 Configure

Message Combining

Scheduled messages can be configured to combine them with the current operator message (if any). This can be done in two ways:

Properties including foreground color, font, page- and line-justification are reset to default values by inserting [cf], [fo], [jp] and [jl] MULTI tags between messages.


If the scheduled message ends with a default [cf] tag, it can be combined with an operator message to make a repeating sequence of pages.

  • Scheduled message: [cr1,1,160,54,0,0,125][cr1,18,160,1,255,255,255][tr1,1,160,17][cf255,255,255][fo5][jp3]TRUCK PARKING[tr4,24,154,30][jl2]REST AREA[jl4]4 MI[nl5][jl2]SPACES OPEN[jl4]10[cf]
  • Combined message: [cr1,1,160,54,0,0,125][cr1,18,160,1,255,255,255][tr1,1,160,17][cf255,255,255][fo5][jp3]TRUCK PARKING[tr4,24,154,30][jl2]REST AREA[jl4]4 MI[nl5][jl2]SPACES OPEN[jl4]10[cf][np][fo][jp][jl]STALLED VEHICLE[nl]IN RIGHT LANE[nl]USE CAUTION


With this method, the sign is partitioned into two regions, with the operator message in a text rectangle. The scheduled message is prepended to each page of the operator message.

  • Scheduled message: [cr1,1,240,24,1,23,9][cf250,250,250][fo13][tr1,5,240,18][jl3]EXPRESS LANE[tr1,31,240,40]OPEN TO ALL[nl6]TRAFFIC[g7,110,75][cr241,1,2,96,255,255,255][tr243,1,350,96]
  • Operator message: [tr243,1,350,96]STALLED VEHICLE[nl]IN RIGHT LANE[nl]USE CAUTION
  • Combined message: [cr1,1,240,24,1,23,9][cf250,250,250][fo13][tr1,5,240,18][jl3]EXPRESS LANE[tr1,31,240,40]OPEN TO ALL[nl6]TRAFFIC[g7,110,75][cr241,1,2,96,255,255,255][tr243,1,350,96][cf][fo][jp][jl]STALLED VEHICLE[nl]IN RIGHT LANE[nl]USE CAUTION