Intelligent Roadway Information System

Ramp Meters

Select View ➔ Ramp Meters menu item

A ramp meter is a traffic signal at an on-ramp which controls the rate of vehicles entering a freeway. Typically, one vehicle is permitted to enter for each green indication displayed on the signal.

The following operations can be performed on a ramp meter:

API Resources 🕵️
  • iris/api/ramp_meter (primary)
  • iris/api/ramp_meter/{name}
Access Primary Secondary
👁️ View name, location, fault geo_loc
👉 Operate m_lock rate
💡 Manage notes storage, max_wait, algorithm, am_target, pm_target
🔧 Configure controller pin, meter_type, beacon, preset


Field Description
Notes administrator notes, possibly including hashtags
Meter Type number of metered lanes, etc.
Storage distance from meter to queue detector
Max Wait maximum allowed wait time (estimated)
Metering Algorithm simple or density adaptive
AM Target historical hourly AM target rate
PM Target historical hourly PM target rate
Advance Warning Beacon beacon activated automatically when active

For basic time-of-day operation, the simple metering algorithm will run the meter at a fixed release rate, equal to the target rate for the current period (AM or PM).

The density adaptive algorithm requires a bit more configuration, since it depends on the road topology. An entrance r_node must exist, with matching roadway, road_dir, cross_street, cross_dir and cross_mod. This r_node must have one green detector, plus optional queue, passage, bypass and merge detectors.

There are special rules for meters on CD roads:

Advance warning beacons are flashing lights on a static sign, e.g. "PREPARE TO STOP WHEN FLASHING". Typically, they are hard-wired to flash when the meter is operating, but they can be controlled by IRIS if that is not feasable. In that case, beacons will also flash if a merge detector on the entrance ramp has high occupancy (30%+).