Intelligent Roadway Information System


Permissions are a newer access control feature intended to replace capabilities and privileges. For now, they determine permissions for web access only.

API Resources 🕵️
  • iris/api/permission
  • iris/api/permission/{id}
  • iris/api/access
Access Primary
👁️ View id
🔧 Configure role, resource_n, hashtag, access_n


Role is the user role associated with the permissions.

Resource is the {type} part of a base restricted resource to be accessed.

Hashtag restricts the permission to resources which have the assigned tag. Permissions containing hashtags are only checked for updates to existing resources, not creation/deletion.

There are 4 access levels, with increasing permissiveness:

Level Access Permissions
1 👁️ View Monitor / read
2 👉 Operate + Control
3 💡 Manage + Policies, scheduling
4 🔧 Configure + Create, update, delete

When checks are performed, the highest access level of matching permissions is used.

Base Resources

To simplify administration, some permissions grant access to related resources. In other words, permissions on the base resource also applies to any dependent resource, at the same access level.

Base Resource Dependent Resources
action plan beacon action, camera action, day matcher, day plan, dms action, lane action, meter action, plan phase
alert config
camera catalog, flow stream, monitor style, play list, video monitor
controller alarm, comm link, controller io, gps, modem
detector r_node, road, station
dms font, graphic, message line, message pattern, sign configuration, sign detail, sign message, word
gate arm gate arm array
incident inc_advice, inc_descriptor, inc_locator
lcs lcs array, lcs indication, lane marking
parking area
permission domain, role, user id
ramp meter
system attribute cabinet style, comm config
toll zone tag reader
weather sensor

Associated Resources

Some resources contain an associated resource_n, linking them to a base resource. These include: