Intelligent Roadway Information System

Sign Messages

A sign message is an immutable record containing all information needed to display a message on a DMS. They are created when operators compose them, and also when device actions are scheduled. They are deleted automatically after being unused for a few minutes.

API Resources 🕵️
  • iris/sign_message (primary)
  • iris/img/{name}.gif
  • iris/api/sign_message (POST)
Access Primary
👁️ View name, sign_config, incident, multi, msg_owner, flash_beacon, pixel_service, msg_priority, duration

Sign configuration determines the type of sign that can display the message.

The MULTI string contains the text and/or graphics of the message.

The msg_owner is a string containing 3 fields, separated by semicolons (system; sources; user):

Flash Beacon indicates whether an associated beacon should flash.

Pixel Service indicates whether the sign should perform scheduled pixel service while the message is displayed.

Duration determines how long a message will be displayed (minutes).

Message Priority

Priority determines precedence between operator messages and device actions.

Low Medium High
1: low_1 6: medium_1 11: high_1
2: low_2 7: medium_2 12: high_2
3: low_3 8: medium_3 13: high_3
4: low_4 9: medium_4 14: high_4
5: low_sys 10: medium_sys 15: high_sys

Messages composed by operators have high_1 priority. Cleared incidents use the low_sys priority. Messages sent by external systems are assigned to medium_sys.